Queen of the kingdom of Boredom...part 1

 *she enters*

*she begins her dramatic monologue about how life hates her*

*she becomes a narcissistic old lady without any friends due to her complaints*

*she dies all alone*

So maybe lets rewind.....

*she enters*

*and realizes how stupid *this* is*

And then asks the audience......

Are you bored with life???

If you are, take a break, have a kit-kat*

And then answer *this* questionnaire because I clearly couldn't find anything better to do than make one

Link:     https://forms.gle/ngbQDoLXHMgfRdebA 

I just wanted to know more about yall

KK byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

*terms and conditions apply


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